Thursday, March 14, 2019


What a fabulous class!  
Irene's extensive plant knowledge is truly amazing.
She is like a treasure trove, here are some beautiful journals she's made with plants printing themselves naturally onto the paper.

 Plant brews simmering on the stovetop. 
Watching Irene teach her magical ways and share her knowledge for the generations to come, was so invigorating!
 Marigolds make yellow and watching them simmer was so fun and witchy.

 Onion skins make a fun natural dye, and are easy to collect throughout your week to create pretty plant prints later. 
(Tossing them in the freezer helps keep them all together and when its time to dye just pop it in the water, boil and simmer)

You never know how its going to turn out and I think thats the best part about this process. This process reminds me of developing film.

When Irene has another class you should check it out, the Chuckanut Center is always having amazing and informational classes: 

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Seriously, what a treat! 
Between the awesome art, sweet sauna, and delightful demonstrations. 
I was in heaven. 

Perfect for melting away winters icy grip.
Seriously this was such a toasty treat. 

This photo sums up exactly how I feel 
about this beautiful sauna


What a delightful display of skill. 
It is always a treat to get to see other artists 
hard at work pursuing their passion.

Pheonix Booth

Steven Anderson

Here are some of the finished pieces that were auctioned off, 
only 2 dollars a ticket! What a deal!
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard
 to put together such a delightful show! 

If you want to learn more about classes like this check out the

And Make.Shift always has something fun and exciting going on