Sunday, December 28, 2008


This boy was trying so hard to land this one move last summer at the Skate park in Santa Barbara California.

But it provided me a good opportunity to get this shot, compared to most of the other skaters this guy hit the same spot every time.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Before all the snow
these dew covered spiderwebs caught my attention one early morning.


Here's a little gift that was given out at last weekends Saint Lucia party.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Who knew that christmas lights 
in the snow could be so beautiful? Registered & Protected

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Its Bellingham's first snow day, and boy was it blustery. 
The snow was whipping around quite a lot last night and it was freezing,
But the weather was perfect for taking pictures. Registered & Protected


My name is Ava Carey::17 years old.
I am an aspiring photographer, every since I was little I wanted a camera.
When I was 8 i finally got my first camera, a lil cheap point and shoot.
I have quickly moved up to my brand new addition, a nikon D90
I have been accepted to the Art Institute of Seattle and will be attending next year.
I am going to be posting a new photo every Sunday and it would be very much appreciated to be critiqued on my photos.